
Company Name: Snack de fromage s.r.o.
Headquarter: Na Veselí 1206/14, Praha 4
Registration: Business Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, ref. C 267598
Relevant financial office: Financial Office for Capital City of Prague, Territorial Office Prague 4
ID: 018 32 191
TAX ID: CZ01832191
Bank details: 975715001 / 5500
Data Box: dud77mh
Statutory representative: JUDr. Ondřej Kafka
Contact details: Vladimir Cukur
phone: +43 664 1900429

Snack de fromage s.r.o. is a modern European company based on the long tradition of producing goodies made of home-made quality cheese. The company draws on traditional recipes and practices, while utilizing unique and modern production technology. Our products thus retain all the benefits of home-made cheese (quality, taste, smell). At the same time, thanks to the unique way of production, our products are non-perishable. Our cheese products are thus a full-fledged alternative to home-made cheeses served with wine or on similar occasions. Our products have all necessary certificates, so we are ready to deliver them operationally throughout Europe.